Local 10 IBEW Members working on Van Etten Project

Dear Membership,

Getting back work from contractors has been a goal of Local 10 leadership. In the Elmira division of NYSEG that goal has become a reality. The Van Etten project is a three hundred plus pole system hardening job. This work was initially offered to contract workers until the Elmira division Local 10 members petitioned NYSEG management to be considered for the work. There were doubts that this work could be performed in-house, as contractors have been the go-to for quite some time. But with the help of NYSEG Line Supervisor David Smith and Justin Raynor, a collaborative effort with contractors was approved.

Agreements were made between Management and Local 10 for Elmira division line workers to adjust their schedules to maximize work efficiency. The line crew complement would include a mix of seasoned employees and newly qualified line mechanics. Line apprentices would also be offered an opportunity to perform work and sharpen their skills. The Van Etten Project began on February 16, 2024, and is scheduled to be complete around Memorial Day.

Local 10 IBEW line mechanics would install 165 poles and run four and a half miles of new conductor. Poles size ranging from 45 to 55 feet. A voltage conversion from 4.800-volts delta to 34,500-volt wye is planned. The conductors installed were 477 mcm tree wire with a 336 mcm neutral conductor. The work was performed on high volume highways and rural roads. In support of this, new union flaggers from IBEW local 1249 were utilized. Another win, as the non- union traffic control workers have been the Company’s preference.

Project lead, Chief Line Mechanic Tom Addy said, “We’re ahead of schedule and have been offered an additional forty poles work.” He expressed his thanks to the Elmira Division Line Mechanics. “They worked very hard to get the job done. I’m so proud of them” In addition to Elmira Division employees, help from NYSEG Noyes Island was utilized for equipment and tools. “Don Wiggins and Gary Mott were very helpful to this project. Without the equipment provided out of Noyes Island we wouldn’t have been as productive.” Safety was a daily concern for Chief Addy, who took his crews well-being very seriously, “I said a prayer every day for the guys that we keep focused on safety.”

Getting the essential work beyond customer service is instrumental to providing our company with the most well rounded line mechanics. The Van Etten Project is just the beginning. Local 10 IBEW leadership continues to discuss taking back our work from contractors. The benefit is mutual, our membership become well trained and seasoned workers and the company gains by their efficiency. I’d like to express my congratulations to the Elmira Division line mechanics for a job well done.

Dan Addy

Local 10 IBEW

Business Manager
