Safety Tip of The Week

‍National Preparedness Month, sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and held annually in September, is a good reminder that natural and man-made disasters can strike at any time. It's important to have a planned response when you're at work, on vacation or on the road.

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Safety Tip of the Week

While working in an environment in which objects can be knocked down on your cranium, the best working commodity you will have is a hard-hat.

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Safety Tip of The Week

Ladders are essential tools for electricians, but using them carelessly can lead to serious injuries. Each year, over 100 workers die from ladder-related accidents, with many more injured. Even if you're experienced, it's important to follow best practices to stay safe on the job. Here’s a quick guide to help electricians avoid shocks and falls while working on ladder

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Safety Tip of The Week

Surviving the Heat: Essential Tips for Outdoor Workers. Under OSHA regulations, employers must ensure workplaces are free from known safety hazards, including protecting workers from extreme heat. Follow these guidelines to stay safe and healthy!

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Safety Tip of The Week

One of the easiest ways to stay safer on the job is practicing good health and fitness habits. Utility workers do a lot of heavy lifting, pushing, pulling and hauling every day, and that strain can take a toll on the body. The back and joints, in particular, are at high risk of injury from manual labor tasks.

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Email Balloting

Due to numerous calls to the Local Office, Business Agents, and Officers regarding the memberships ability to attend in-person voting on July 26, 2024, I explored the option of Email balloting through our communications provider NEP Services. When it was found that an Email balloting system was part of our contract and at no additional cost with NEP Services, I then asked for permission to Email ballot from IBEW, Third District. After approval, the Union’s Executive Board also agreed to the change.

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Safety Tip of The Week

Poison ivy is extremely common in the United States. The only geographical areas it is not found in are Alaska, Hawaii, and parts of the west coast. It is one of the most common triggers for rashes every year for both kids and adults who spend time outdoors.

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Safety Tip of the Week

Injuries caused by being distracted due to using a cellphone while walking has become so common that National Safety Council has actually added “distracted walking” as a category in their statistical report Injury Facts. This report tracks data on the leading causes of unintentional injuries and deaths.

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Safety Tip of the Week

There are many different hazards on the job that pose danger to life and health. Are you aware that too much sitting for long periods of the day is one of them? According to many research studies, extended sitting can be a factor in different health problems.

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Safety Tip of the Week

Heat stroke is the most serious heat-related illness. This illness can kill or cause damage to the brain and other internal organs. Heat stroke results from prolonged exposure to high temperatures — usually in combination with dehydration — which leads to failure of the body’s temperature control system. If someone who is exhibiting signs of heat stroke is not properly treated immediately, then there can be permanent health issues or death.

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Safety Tip of the Week

Almost everyone has experienced some type of bee or wasp sting in their life. Stings from these insects do not pose a major issue for most people. However, for others, there can be a severe allergic reaction that is life-threatening. Even if you have not experienced a severe allergic reaction to stings before, it is possible to have a severe reaction at any point in your life. It is important to avoid bees and wasps as well as to be able to recognize when someone is suffering from a severe allergic reaction from an insect sting.

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Safety Tip of the Week

A hot work day takes planning and preparation, especially when some jobs stop for nothing. Don’t show up to the job site unprepared for the heat. Heat exposure can be dangerous when it gets hot with humidity and working in prolonged sun exposures.

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Local 10 IBEW Members working on Van Etten Project

Getting back work from contractors has been a goal of Local 10 leadership. In the Elmira division of NYSEG that goal has become a reality. The Van Etten project is a three hundred plus pole system hardening job. This work was initially offered to contract workers until the Elmira division Local 10 members petitioned NYSEG management to be considered for the work.

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Safety Tip of the Week

Fire safety is a critical aspect of maintaining a safe work environment for employees. Whether you work in an office, a factory, or any other type of workplace, it's essential to be prepared for the possibility of a fire emergency.

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Industrial Harmony

An agreement, also known as a contract or collective bargaining agreement, is a written understanding between two parties to promote industrial harmony. Usually, the first statement in an agreement is the intent to promote industrial harmony. Here’s an example from the NYSEG contract.

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Safety Tip of the Week

Whether you drive a company vehicle, or driving is part of your daily routine in your personal life, we want you to always be safe. Below are some tips on how you can keep yourself and others safe while driving.

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Welcome to the new

Local 10 IBEW Members, Welcome to the new Local 10 IBEW website. It has the same name as the previous website but will provide easier access to calendar events, resources, forms and communication from the local office. Our new web hosting provider is NEP Services, and I would like to thank them for their hard work on the process to refresh our site.

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Gas Petition

The recent calls in Albany and NYC to ban natural gas and appliances will cost our Locals thousands of jobs. We need to have our voice heard, loud and clear that we will not stand by as our jobs are eliminated. We have a real fight ahead of us here and this petition will not only make our voices heard but will allow our members to begin to get involved and informed. Additionally, rank and file members as well as your local union officers should be strongly encouraged to share this link with their families and friends to...

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